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Arrr, California scallywags be denyin' SpaceX sails 'cause of Captain Musk's politics! Blimey, what a jolly mess!


Avast ye! Elon Musk’s tongue waggin’ on the political seas be sinkin’ SpaceX’s plans to let loose a fleet o’ rockets from California’s shores. The Coastal Commission be sayin’ “Nay!” to the Air Force’s grand scheme, all ‘cause our captain be causin’ a ruckus online! Arrr!

Arrr, gather 'round ye scallywags an' lend me yer ears! It seems that the great Elon Musk, captain of the SpaceX ship, be findin' himself in a spot o' bother! His ramblin’ tweets, like cannonballs flyin' in a storm, be causin' a ruckus on the California coast, much to the chagrin of the Coastal Commission, savvy?

The good ol’ Air Force, lookin’ t’ launch up to 50 rockets a year from Vandenberg AFB, got their proposal tossed into Davy Jones’ locker, all because o’ Musk's cheeky Twitter ways! Commissioner Gretchen Newsom, a fierce lass with a sharp tongue, raised her brow higher than a crow's nest, claimin’ that ol’ Elon’s online shenanigans be makin’ the seas too stormy for a launch, arrr!

So, it seems our beloved pirate of the stars has to reel in his jolly jests if he ever hopes to hoist the sails for more space-bound escapades. With the Commission’s gaze sharper than a cutlass, Musk might need t’ swap his tweets for a treasure map if he be wantin’ to see more rockets flyin’ from the sunny shores o' California. Avast, me hearties, let’s keep a weather eye on this tale as it unfolds!

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