The Booty Report

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Arrr! Elizabeth Taylor be caught in a storm o' rum 'n' powder, makin' her kin quake in their boots!


Arrr, matey! Elizabeth Taylor, bless her heart, danced a merry jig with the bottle and potions whilst wed to that landlubber Senator Warner! But fear not! Young Christopher Wilding, that scallywag, rallied the crew for a grand intervention to haul his mum back from Davy Jones' locker!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn o’ Elizabeth Taylor, a lass whose life be a tempestuous sea of troubles in the year o’ our Lord, 1982. Her marriage to the landlubber Sen. John Warner be sunkin’ like a ship in a storm, while she battled a fierce addiction to the grog and other devilish potions.

The BBC be tellin’ her tale in a documentary, lead by the likes o’ Kim Kardashian, a wench of fame herself! Poor Elizabeth be strugglin’ with pain and the cursed need for medicine, which left her in a fog worse than a pirate lost at sea. Her son, Christopher, spoke of family interventions, a crew assembled to save their beloved captain from the bottle and the needle.

After bein’ confronted by her kin, she be thinkin’ ‘twas a slap from Neptune himself! “By the powers!” she cried, “I thought I be a good mother!” But alas, she set sail to the Betty Ford Clinic, where she shared quarters with a stranger and tackled her demons like a true buccaneer. Though the path be rocky, she emerged with newfound strength, ready to share her saga and help others still lost in the fog of addiction.

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