Arrr, Trump be blowin' like a storm! His border schemes be vague, but his rage be as fierce as a cannon blast!
Arrr, matey! The old captain’s grand schemes fer swabs from distant lands be meetin’ rough seas, but the crew still be leanin' more towards his chart than that scallywag's! Aye, trust be a fickle treasure!
Now, ye see, the voters, those salty sea dogs, still be puttin’ their faith in the former captain’s chart o’ immigration, likin’ it more than the opposing matey’s skinny little scroll. Aye, they trust his word more than a parrot’s squawk, even if the winds be blowin’ against him. The crew be leanin’ toward the captain who be raisin’ the Jolly Roger on this matter!
But beware, ye landlubbers! The tides may turn, and the ship may sway! The challenges ahead be like a tempest in a teapot, threatenin’ to bring this grand voyage to a screechin’ halt. Will the former captain weather the storm, or will he be cast adrift like a barnacle-covered tub? Only the fates know, but for now, the crew be still aboard his vessel, ready to sail into the unknown seas of immigration policy!
So, hoist the sails, me mateys! The adventure be far from over!