The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Trudeau be shoutin' ‘bout India's spy crew reachin' far and wide like a scallywag’s wild tales!


Arrr, matey! The Canadian captain o’ politics be pointin' a finger at the Indian crew, claimin' they had a hand in the fall o' a Sikh buccaneer! Blimey, this be stirrin' up a right tempest 'twixt their ships on the diplomatic seas! Avast, tensions be risin’ like the tide!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer a tale of treachery on the high seas of diplomacy! The Canadian captain o’ the ship, known as the Prime Minister, cast a mighty accusation upon the Indian crew, claimin' that they had a hand in the foul deed of takin' down a Sikh nationalist. Aye, 'tis no ordinary squabble, but a tempest brewin' in the diplomatic waters 'twixt the great North and the land of many a curry.

Now, ye see, this here accusation be like a cannonball fired at close range, stirrin' the waters and causin' quite the ruckus! The winds of tension be blowin' fierce and foul, as both nations sharpen their cutlasses and prepare fer a verbal duel. The Indian crew, not one to take a blow without a retort, be readyin' their sails to counter this claim like a seasoned sailor ready fer a storm.

As the tides of international relations churn, we be left wonderin' if this be the start of a full-blown shipwreck or merely a squall that'll pass. Keep yer spyglass handy, me hearties, for this tale be far from over, and who knows what mischief these seafarin’ nations may conjure up next!

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