The Booty Report

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Arrr! Trump be rockin' his noggin fer half an hour in a curious town hall jig! What be this madness?


Avast! After a squall o' interruptions, Captain Trump did declare, “Enough o' yer prattlin’!” He be thinkin’ it more jolly-like for all hands if he cranked up his sea shanties instead. Aye, it seemed the good captain fancied a bit o’ merry music to lift his spirits!

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of a certain landlocked swab named Donald Trump, who, after bein’ pestered by questions like a ship beset by barnacles, decided to hoist the sails on his campaign playlist instead! Aye, like a jolly captain spurnin' the drudgery o’ the crew’s inquiries, he’d had enough of their incessant blabberin’.

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