The Booty Report

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"Two scallywags be charged with sendin' a 72-year-old to Davy Jones' locker, all while dressed as utility swabs!"


Arrr! Two scallywags claimed t’ be searchin' fer a gas leak, but they be sendin' a poor soul to Davy Jones’ locker in his own bilge! They tied up his wench with sticky tape and made off with her shiny trinkets, say the court! Blimey, what a swindle!

Avast ye scallywags! Gather ‘round fer a tale that be as murky as the briny deep! In the heart of suburban Detroit, two swabs, claimin' to be huntin' for a gas leak, sailed into a poor matey's basement under false colors. But lo and behold, instead of fixin' leaks, they found themselves a treasure trove of mischief! With a swish of their wicked blades, they dispatched the brave soul and bound his fair lady in a stranglehold of duct tape, as if she were a prized parrot!

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