The Booty Report

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"Arrr, I be spyin’ a collar that makes yer pooch chatter! Aye, 'tis as bonkers as a parrot on rum!"


Avast, me hearties! Behold this magical neckpiece, crafted by clever landlubbers! It be whisperin’ secrets o’ yer furry mates, makin’ ‘em chatter like a parrot at a tavern! Soon ye shall know what the scallywags be thinkin’—but beware, they may be more cunning than ye reckon! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ‘round as I regale ye with the tale of the Shazam Band, a contraption that be givin’ yer furry mateys the power of speech! Like the pups from the animated treasure, UP, this collar be packin’ speakers and sensors to let yer four-legged companions chatter away, much to yer amusement!

With this wondrous device, ye can track yer pet should they wander off into the briny deep, sendin’ ye a message if they find themselves in a sticky situation, like a tussle with a pesky cat or traffic! Arrr, no more lost pups fer ye!

Invented by a buccaneer named John McHale, inspired by his own pooch Roscoe’s brush with a rattlin’ snake, this band’s goal be to let pets communicate their feelings—such as “I be feelin’ blue” or “Let’s snuggle, ye salty sea dog!”

There be 25 personas to choose from, includin’ a posh British gent and a lively Jamaican voice, so yer pet can talk like a true scallywag! But beware, matey, for ye may ponder what yer pet truly thinks of this newfound voice. Does ol’ Roscoe want to banter, or does he just want to plunder the treat jar?

Ye can pre-order this talking collar from $495 to $595, a sum that may make ye curse like a pirate! Get ready for a laugh, and may the winds favor yer pet’s newfound voice!

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