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Arrr, Nvidia! Be ye conjurin' a mighty RTX 5070 18GB? Do we truly need such bounty, matey?


Ahoy, matey! Word be out that the RTX 5070 12GB be settin' sail, but soon to follow be an 18GB treasure! It promises a wee 5-10% boost—like findin' an extra doubloon—under Nvidia’s 'Super' flag. Avast, the seas of graphics be gettin' stormy!

Avast, me hearties! Rumors be swirl’n like a tempest about Nvidia’s plans to unleash a treasure chest of GeForce RTX 5070s! Word from the salty sea of the internet suggests they be ponderin’ an 18GB version, whilst the standard fare comes with a mere 12GB of VRAM. Aye, this be a mighty leap in memory, a true bounty for any scallywag keen on graphics!

The fabled RTX 5070 be chartin’ a course to launch sometime at CES in January, armed with the shimmering GDDR7 memory, promise’n a whopping 30% performance boost. But here’s the rub: be it worth the doubloons? The 12GB model be settin’ ye back around $600 to $700, while the 18GB variant might raid yer coffers for $800. A mere 5-10% bump in performance for a handful o’ gold? That be a murky decision for many a gamer!

But nay fret, me buckos! As games grow hungrier for VRAM, that extra 6GB might just be the lifebuoy ye need for future adventures. So, hold fast and keep yar eyes peeled! Will Nvidia surprise us with a dual launch? Only the winds of fortune can tell! Yarrr!

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