The Booty Report

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Arrr, Jerry Jones be rattlin' his sabre at them radio scallywags fer jabberin’ about his ship’s sorry crew after a right thrashin'!


Arrr, matey! Jerry Jones, the cap'n of them Dallas Cowboys, showed not a whiff of interest in chattin’ ‘bout the offseason crew buildin’. When the radio scallywags pried, he turned as prickly as a sea urchin! Aye, a true buccaneer of the gridiron, he be!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the ol' sea dog, Jerry Jones, captain of the infamous Dallas Cowboys ship! On the morn of his 82nd birth anniversary, our Jerry found himself in quite the tempest, as his crew suffered a landlubber's defeat against the Detroit Lions, who be settin' sail with a whopping 47 points whilst the Cowboys barely scraped by with a measly nine!

When asked by the scallywags on the radio why he still believed in his crew, Jerry barked about injuries and the need for his lads to step up. "I ain't got time for yer blatherin' about offseason blunders!" he growled. "We be lookin’ toward the next battle against San Francisco, not dwellin' on the past like a bunch of ol' sea turtles!"

With a hearty laugh, he even claimed that buyin' the Cowboys might've been his "stupidest" move, yet here he be, still chasin' that elusive Super Bowl treasure! Though Dallas sits at a rather lukewarm 3-3, Jones be no quitter, swipin’ away criticism like barnacles off his ship. "I ain’t throwin’ in the towel!" he roared, ready to steer his crew through choppy waters, all in hopes of findin’ glory on the high seas of football! Arrr!

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