The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Marvel be switchin' Wiccan's tale, but ye likely missed the hullabaloo!


Arrr, they be needin’ to spin a yarn for landlubbers with nary a clue ‘bout the world of comics, savvy? Aye, ‘tis like teachin’ a parrot to dance the jig—confusin’ and downright laughable, I say! Spill the beans, me hearties!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I be spinnin' a yarn 'bout the curious conundrum of explainin' comics to landlubbers who’ve ne'er set sail on the high seas of colorful panels and wordy balloons! Aye, it be a mighty task, akin to teachin' a barnacle to dance a jig!

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