The Booty Report

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"Arrr, I be livin' like a king! These scallywags be choosin' Trump in the treasure-laden land!"


Avast, me hearties! A band o' landlubber voters in a fierce battleground of Wisconsin be shoutin' for the ol’ captain Trump in 2024! They be blatherin' 'bout treasure chests of gold and keepin' scallywags from settin' foot on their shores. Aye, it be a jolly crew!

Arrr mateys! Gather ‘round as we spin a yarn from Waukesha County, where landlubbers be blabberin’ about the economy like it be the treasure map to their fortunes. It be said that the good folk here be missin’ the days of Trump’s rule, claimin’ they felt richer when the man with the loud mouth was in charge. Retired teacher Sharon Kaufman be sayin’ she felt better off under Trump’s reign, weighin’ her family’s fortunes like a pirate countin’ gold doubloons!

Tim Moss, a purveyor of spirits, be lamentin’ how both young and old be feelin’ the pinch of the purse strings. He declared, “Under Trump, I reckon we could buy groceries without sellin’ our ship!” And Diana Altwies, a fork-liftin’ wench, shared tales of how she spent a fortune at the market, comin’ home with naught but two bags of grub for $50! Blimey!

As for talk of safety and immigration, the lot be firin’ cannons of concern over open borders and the fate of wee babes. With nary a soul supportin’ the Harris-Walz crew, it seems the winds be blowin’ in favor of Trump once more. So hoist the flags high, for Waukesha County be a battleground worth watchin’ in the upcoming election, savvy?

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