The Booty Report

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Arrr, the kin o' a slain matron be cheerin' for Clinton, callin' out them Biden-Harris scallywags at the border!


Arrr, the kin o' the slain lass Rachel Morin from Maryland be raisin' a mug to ol' Bill Clinton fer lettin' in that scallywag who crossed the border like a sneaky sea rat! Aye, they be callin' it a fine bit o' matey hospitality on a stormy day!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a tragic tale straight from the shores of Maryland. A brave lass named Rachel Morin, a mother of five, met her untimely demise at the hands of a scallywag who sneaked into the good ol’ U.S. of A. Now, even the likes of Bill Clinton be weighin’ anchor on the matter, claimin’ that better border security could’ve kept this fair maiden and others safe from harm’s way! Aye, Patty Morin, Rachel’s mother, be singin' praises for the ex-president for shoutin' the truth about the Biden-Harris shipwreck of border policies.

Clinton, while campaignin’ in Georgia, jabbed at the failed bipartisan bill Trump sunk, arguin’ that proper vetting could’ve saved young Laken Riley, another lass who met a grisly fate at the hands of a nefarious immigrant. “If they'd all been properly vetted,” he be sayin’, “that probably wouldn't have happened!” Meanwhile, the so-called "border czar," Kamala Harris, be gettin’ a fair amount of flak as the tide of migrants rises under her watch.

The Morin family and Clinton be callin’ for stricter vetting, as too many rogues slip through the net, causin’ trouble for honest folk. So, let’s hoist the sails and ensure we be protectin’ our shores, lest more brave souls be lost to the stormy seas of danger!

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