The Booty Report

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Arrr, Captain Trump be boastin' of his math and gold schemes, but the landlubbers say they be as shaky as a ship in a storm!


Arrr, in a squall of an interview, the ex-captain o' the ship hinted at even taller tariffs, claimin’ they be the treasure map to riches! Aye, if only it were that easy, matey! We’d all be swimmin’ in gold doubloons! Ha-ha!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, ye scallywags, for a tale of a former captain of the land, aye, the president himself! In a raucous parley, he be hintin’ with a sly grin and a twinkle in his eye that higher tariffs be the golden treasure we be seekin’ to save our ship from sinkin’! Aye, he called it a magic bullet, as if it be some enchanted dagger that could slay the beast of poor economy.

This ol' sea dog, with a tongue sharper than a cutlass, be standin' firm, talkin' tough like a buccaneer with a belly full of rum. He claims that by raisin' the tolls on goods that come from far-off lands, we’d fill our coffers and keep the scallywags from plunderin’ our riches! But hark! I say, what be the cost of such folly? More gold from our pockets, and the poor souls will be payin’ a pretty penny for their daily bread!

So, picture it, me hearties! A world where the price of a fine parrot or a barrel o’ grog be sky-high, all in the name of some pirate’s dream of wealth! We’ll be laughin’ and scratchin’ our heads, wonderin’ if the real treasure be the gold, or just a mirage in the horizon! Hoist the sails and brace for impact, for this battle of wits be far from over, arrr!

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