The Booty Report

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"Trump be lurin' and scarin' the fine folk of Nevada with his landlubber talk 'gainst them sea-farin' immigrants!"


Arrr, matey! Some scallywags find Trump’s relentless jabs at landlubber immigrants a tad overboard! Yet, a fair crew be ready to turn a blind eye and hoist the sails for a captain they reckon’ll fill their treasure chests! Savvy?

Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the swashbucklin’ antics of one Donald J. Trump. This scallywag seems to have taken a fancy to takin’ potshots at our seafarin’ kin from foreign shores, tossin’ insults like cannonballs at a rival ship! Aye, some salty sea dogs are gettin’ their knickers in a twist over his ceaseless tirades against immigrants, shiverin’ timbers and all that ruckus.

But lo and behold! A good number of landlubbers still be hoistin’ their sails in support of this blusterin’ captain, thinkin’ he be the key to fillin’ their treasure chests! They reckon he’ll steer their ships through the stormy seas of economy and bring forth bountiful riches. Aye, they be willin’ to overlook his fiery cannonades, hopin’ for fair winds and fortune to follow.

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