The Booty Report

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"Swift as a ship, fiery as a cannon, and o’erflowin’ with Cancún treasures: Yarr, lessons from Texas Senate squabble!"


Arrr, matey! Senator Ted Cruz and that landlubber, Rep. Colin Allred, swung swords o' words in a raucous hour, hurlin' jabs ‘bout policies like cannonballs! 'Twas a fine spectacle o’ verbal skirmishin’, aye! The debate be as lively as a tavern brawl on a stormy night!

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn o' a raucous debate betwixt the cunning Senator Ted Cruz and the gallant Representative Colin Allred! In a shipshape hour that felt like a fierce squall, these two scallywags hurled barrels o’ barbs and jibes at each other like they be at a rowdy tavern brawl!

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