The Booty Report

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Arrr! Trump’s in a tight spot with the Spanish crew, dodgin’ questions like a scallywag in a storm!


Arrr, in a fine town hall that Univision be broadcastin’ at the witching hour of 10, Captain Trump danced ‘round the questions like a scallywag! When it came to climate storms, immigration seas, and the rights of lasses, he be dodgin’ like a crafty buccaneer! Savvy?

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a certain scallywag, Donald J. Trump, who recently took the stage in a grand ol' town hall, broadcast by the fine folk at Univision at the witching hour of 10 p.m. Eastern! Aye, 'twas a sight to behold, though ye might’ve thought ye were watchin’ a fish try to climb a tree!

When the crew tossed him some direct queries 'bout matters like climate change, the plight of the immigrants, and the rights o' the lasses to choose, our Captain Trump danced 'round the questions like a cat on a hot tin roof! He be like a slippery eel, dodgin' every hook they threw at him! Aye, 'tis no easy task for a pirate to make sense of a captain who prefers to sail through the fog rather than chart a clear course!

But fear not, me mateys, for the humor was as rich as a treasure chest full o' doubloons! Watching him avoid the questions was like watchin' a parrot tryin' to sing sea shanties! So, if ye missed it, no worries—just know that the good Captain Trump be keepin’ his secrets tighter than a ship’s hold during a storm!

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