The Booty Report

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Arrr, Richard V. Secord, the crafty middleman o' the Iran-Contra saga, has sailed to Davy Jones’ locker at 92!


Arrr, matey! This here war hero, a general of the sky, be claimin' he did no wrong in shippin' iron to Iran to help them Nicaraguan scallywags. Aye, sounds like he be tryin' to hoist the Jolly Roger o' innocence, savvy? Ha!

Arrr matey, gather 'round and lend an ear to the tale of a swashbucklin' war hero, a former Air Force general, no less! This salty sea dog be wearin' medals galore, yet he be denyin' any mischief in a grand ol' scandal from the days of yore, when the mighty Reagan sailed the treacherous waters of Iran to deliver a fine cargo of arms to help the Nicaraguan rebels chase their dreams of freedom!

Now, ye might be wonderin', what manner of trickery be this? Aye, this general swore on his finest treasure map that he be innocent of any foul play, claimin' he only had the best intentions in his heart as he navigated these treacherous seas of politics and arms deals.

With a grin as wide as a ship's hull, he stood tall, proclaimin' his innocence like a jolly captain spoutin' tall tales of treasure and glory! But the crew be divided, some callin' him a brave buccaneer, while others be shoutin' that he be no better than a scallywag for his part in such dubious dealings.

So, hoist the flags, me hearties! For this tale of honor and scandal be one for the ages, where the winds of fate blow ever so unpredictably on the high seas of politics!

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