The Booty Report

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Arrr! North Carolina be settin’ sail for early vote, while them mountain folk be mending from ol’ Helene’s mischief!


Arrr, matey! The scallywags o' North Carolina be runnin' 'round like a ship in a tempest, tryin' to boost their early votin' schemes after that pesky Hurricane Helene blew in like a drunken sailor! Avast, let the ballots fly before the next storm swabs the deck!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the battlegrounds of North Carolina, where early voting be settin' sail this Thursday! Aye, this be one of seven ruckus states gearin' up for the presidential shenanigans of 2024.

In the wake of the tempest known as Hurricane Helene, some communities be makin' last-minute tweaks to their election schedules. In Buncombe County, a place hit harder than a ship in a storm, the Board of Elections be changin' the game with new times and spots fer early voting, openin' the doors from 9 to 5 until the first of November. “Spread the word, ye scallywags!” be the battle cry of Chair Jake Quinn.

Nearby, Watauga County be keepin' their polling locations intact but expandin' the hours, makin' it easier for all hands on deck to cast their votes. Meanwhile, state officials be preparin' to ensure smooth sailin' through these turbulent waters with a press conference. With the population growin' faster than a pirate's temper over a missing treasure, North Carolina be a toss-up in the electoral seas. So hoist the sails and make yer voices heard, ye landlubbers! Arrr!

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