The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Los Angeles landlubbers be partin' with 880 million doubloons to hush up some scandalous shenanigans!


Arrr, matey! This here treasure be the grandest booty ever tossed by an archdiocese, say the wise old sea dogs! With this haul, Los Angeles be plunderin’ over $1.5 billion in the tangled web o' scandals! Aye, what a stormy sea of mischief!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale of woe and treasure, where the high seas of justice be meetin' the depths of scandal! In the grand city of Los Angeles, the archdiocese hath struck a deal so rich, it be makin' Davy Jones himself do a double take! Aye, they be settlin’ their wrongdoings with a payout that be higher than a crow’s nest on a stormy night!

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