The Booty Report

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Arrr, Biden be jawin’ with Netanyahu 'bout Sinwar's demise and seekin' a truce, savvy? A right jolly parley!


Arrr, upon landin' in Berlin fer talkin' with the mates, the captain of the ship declared he be sendin’ the first mate o' diplomacy to the treasure isle of Israel soon. Avast, let the parley begin, me hearties!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the high seas of politics! Our gallant captain, the president himself, did sail into the bustling port of Berlin, drawn by the promise of meetings aplenty. With a twinkle in his eye and a map in his hand, he be ready to parley with the finest of the landlubbers!

But lo! Just as the winds of diplomacy began to fill the sails, our captain had a grand idea! "Avast!" he bellowed, "I be sendin' me trusty first mate, the secretary of state, on a quest to the fabled shores of Israel!" Aye, that be the plan! To set him adrift on the waves of international affairs in the coming days, where he might barter and bargain with the best of ‘em.

So off went the secretary, like a ship on the horizon, to navigate the treacherous waters of diplomacy. With a hearty laugh and a wink, the president knew he be the captain of this grand adventure! So hoist the flags, me crew! For in the world of politics, every meeting be a treasure, and every trip be an escapade worth its weight in doubloons!

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