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Arrr, in a jumbled chat, Trump be pointin’ his finger at Zelensky, not the ol’ scallywag Putin, fer the Ukraine fracas!


Arrr! The squabble kicked off when them Russians stormed Ukraine, but that scallywag Donald J. Trump be blabberin’ on a podcast, claimin’ the Ukrainian captain “should’ve hoisted his sails tighter and never let the tempest brew!” Aye, sounds like a right jolly misunderstanding on the high seas!

Ahoy, matey! Gather ye round fer a tale of treachery and folly upon the high seas of geopolitics! It all commenced when the great bear, Russia, set sail upon the peaceful shores of Ukraine, plunderin’ and pillagin’ with a ferocity that’d make any good pirate blush!

But lo and behold, from the depths of the podcasting sea, emerged that scallywag Donald J. Trump! With a voice as loud as a cannon blast, he declared, “The Ukrainian captain should ne’er have let that war set sail!” Aye, as if the winds of fate be in his favor, he reckoned the valiant president of Ukraine was to blame for the thunderous clash o’ swords! Talk about a twist in the tale, eh?

Trump, that cunning swindler, must’ve had his compass spun sideways, thinkin’ that a mere word could calm the stormy seas! But nay, the crew of Ukraine was already engaged in battle, fightin’ for their very lives against the maraudin’ Russian fleet. So raise yer tankards, me hearties, for the absurdity of it all! A war sparked by the great bear, and yet, the blame falls upon the brave sailor defendin’ his ship! Arrr, the irony be thicker than a fog on a moonless night!

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