The Booty Report

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Arrr, Harris be callin' Trump a scallywag fer sayin' Jan. 6 be a 'Day of Love'! What folly be this?


Arrr, me hearties! While sailin' the winds o' Wisconsin, the Vice President be claimin' her Republican foe be playin' a tricksy game, tryin' to spin a yarn 'bout the ruckus of Jan. 6th! Aye, 'tis like tryin' to swab the deck with a sieve, I say!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round, fer I’ve a tale of the high seas o' politics! In the far-off land of Wisconsin, the fine Vice President, a true captain of her ship, be callin' out her Republican rival, sayin' he be "gaslightin'" the good folk of the land! Aye, this scallywag be tryin' to spin a yarn, rewritin' the dark history of that fateful day, the 6th o' January in the year of our Lord, 2021!

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