The Booty Report

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"Arrr, a mere 12-ounce froth be the secret to makin' the NFL more jolly than a treasure chest o' gold!"


Arrr, even the scallywags behind the Guardian Cap be confessin’ it be a sight most comical! But in a game where noggins be takin’ a beatin’, what once be unthinkable now be as common as a parrot on me shoulder! Yarr, how the tides have turned!

Ahoy mateys! Gather round, for I bring ye tidings of a curious contraption known as the Guardian Cap! Aye, even those scallywags who crafted this odd headgear admit it be lookin' as silly as a parrot wearin' a pirate's hat! But fear not, for in the world of rough and tumble sport where the threat of brain injuries be lurkin' like a kraken in the deep, such outlandish solutions be findin' their rightful place in the sun.

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