The Booty Report

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"Ahoy! Bob Yerkes, a sturdy swashbuckler of Hollywood, met Davy Jones at 92, battered but unyieldin’!"


Arrr, a scallywag of the silver screen, he be a doppelganger to the heavens! He be pullin' off bone-crackin’ stunts in flicks like “Return of the Jedi” and “Back to the Future." And blow me down, he still be doin' it at the ripe age of 80!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round to hear the tale of a scallywag who be a body double to the very stars! Aye, this buccaneer of the silver screen be known fer performin’ stunts that could rattle the bones of Davy Jones himself, takin' part in grand adventures like “Return of the Jedi” and “Back to the Future!”

With the agility of a nimble sea monkey, he’d leap and tumble, makin’ the landlubbers in the audience gasp in awe. “Be that a ghost?” they’d say, seein’ him defy gravity and sanity alike! Even as he sailed into his 80s—ye heard me right, 80s!—he still be takin’ on challenges like a true rogue. The wind in his hair, the thrill of danger in his heart, he showed no signs of lettin’ the barnacles of age slow him down!

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