The Booty Report

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Arrr! Nevada’s ship o' knowledge won’t scuttle the volleyball duel, even with a mermaid in the midst!


Arrr! The University of Nevada be sayin’ to Fox News, “Nay, we shan’t be givin’ up our next match against a matey of the fairer sort! To do so be a breach of the law o’ the land, savvy?” Aye, let the games commence!

Ahoy mateys, gather ‘round as I spin ye a tale from the University of Nevada, Reno, where the fair maidens of volleyball be settin’ sail for a match against the San Jose State Spartans on the 26th of October. Despite the clamor from the brave lassies who be wishin’ to forfeit the tussle, the university be standin’ firm, claimin’ it’d be against the law of the land to do so! Aye, they cite some fancy words from the Nevada Constitution that protect the rights of all, regardless of gender identity, savvy?

It seems the university be bound by the law, havin’ recently adopted the Equal Rights Amendment, which adds protections for gender identity. So, the volleyball crew must prepare to face their adversaries, even as some of the brave hearts may choose to sit it out, claimin’ their right to free expression. The captain of the ship, Sia Liillii, be rallyin’ her crew, sayin’ they’ll uphold their integrity, much to the delight of the governor and the Spartan camp alike.

So, as the winds blow and the tides turn, the Nevada volleyball squad sails onward, ready to clash with the Spartans, steadfast in their beliefs, while the world watches like a crew of curious seagulls! Arrr!

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