The Booty Report

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Arrr! The PGA captain be sayin’ these gold doubloons be worth it for a fancy Ryder Cup bash at Bethpage Black!


Arrr, matey! The loot fer the Ryder Cup at Bethpage Black be higher than a crow's nest! Fans be fumin' like a cannon, but the PGA be sayin' it's all fair game. Aye, they be plunderin' our doubloons!

Arrr, ye landlubbers and sea dogs! Gather 'round as I be spillin' the beans 'bout the outrageous coin required to set sail fer the Ryder Cup on Long Island! The booty for a single day ticket be a staggering $750, a price that be makin' even the fiercest of pirates shiver in their boots!The scallywags behind this racket claim it's a premier spectacle, likin’ it to the grand ol' World Series or a nail-bitin’ NBA Finals! Aye, but what they don’t be understandin’ is that a ticket to see a bunch of landlubber golfers swingin’ sticks don’t be holdin’ a candle to a barrel o’ rum or a fine treasure map!Even the wise gaffers in the golf media be raisin’ their voices in protest, callin' foul on such swindlin' prices! Just a few moons ago, a day pass was a mere $350—a sum a hearty buccaneer could part with without battin' an eye! Now, ye might as well be robbin' a ship to enjoy the sport!So, strap on yer eyepatch and prepare yer best pirate face, for this be a tournament that many have on their bucket lists, but few will afford to attend! Arrr, let’s just hope the European crew finds their sea legs again, 'cause they haven’t won on U.S. soil since 2012, and it be lookin’ grim for the next raid!

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