The Booty Report

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Arrr! Coach Tony Bennett be settin' sail fer retirement just 'fore the season's anchor drop! What a scallywag!


Avast ye landlubbers! With but three moons ‘til the Virginia Cavaliers set sail on their season, word be out that Captain Tony Bennett be hangin’ up his hat, come Friday! Aye, the winds o’ change be blowin’, and the crew be ponderin’ who’ll steer the ship next! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer news from the court o’ hoops! The brave lads o' the Virginia basketball crew be settin’ sail without a captain, as Coach Tony Bennett be hangin’ up his whistle and callin' it a day!

At the ripe age of 55, the swashbuckler took the helm in the 2009 season. He had a rocky start, but with a bit o’ grit, turned the Cavaliers into a fearsome crew, makin’ it to the grand dance nine times in the last decade!

Yet, let us not forget the infamous day when they lost to a lowly 16th seed, a tale that’ll be sung in taverns for years to come! But fear not, for they returned the next year to claim the shiny treasure o’ victory!

Alas, recent tides have not favored the Cavaliers, sufferin’ three tournament defeats in a row. Bennett leaves behind a legacy of 433 victories, includin’ 364 with Virginia. So raise yer tankards and bid him farewell as the crew prepares to embark on a new season come November 6th!

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