The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! Medtronic be shoutin’ about a battery blunder in yer insulin treasure chests, matey! Keep yer sails full!"


Ahoy, mateys! In a second missive to ye MiniMed 600 and 700 scallywags, the company be warnin’ ye to stash spare batteries and swap 'em quick when the cursed "low battery pump" flag be flyin’. Keep yer ship sailin’ smooth, lest ye be stranded in insulin seas! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearty lubbers of the MiniMed 600 and 700 series! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, for I brings ye a jolly tale from the realm of insulin pumps! The fine folks at MiniMed be sendin' a second missive to ye salty sea dogs, warnin' that when yer pump be hollerin' about a “low battery”, ye best be ready to hoist the sails and change that power source posthaste!

Aye, they be advisin' all ye landlubbers to carry backup batteries like ye would carry a trusty cutlass on a treasure hunt! The last thing ye want is to be stranded on a deserted isle with a pump that be more useless than a fish outta water! So, when that dreaded alert doth appear, don’t just sit there like a barnacle on a hull—spring into action and swap out them batteries double quick, or risk findin' yerself in a right pickle!

So heed this warning, me fellow buccaneers! Keep yer supplies stocked and yer pumps runnin' smooth, lest ye be caught with yer trousers down when the tide turns! Fair winds and good health to ye all, and may yer batteries be ever charged like a cannon ready to fire! Arrr!

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