The Booty Report

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Arrr! A Texas matey be stoppin' a man’s hangin’ over a wee babe’s tremblin’ woes! What a ruckus!


Arrr matey! A Texas sea-farin' judge be grantin' a stay of execution, savin' the old seadog Robert Roberson from meetin' Davy Jones' locker mere hours before the hangin'. ‘Tis a twist of fate fit for a jolly jest, aye! Avast, the gallows be waitin’ yet!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the wild seas of Texas, where a judge, bless ’im, has waved a mighty sword of mercy to delay the execution of one Robert Roberson, a scallywag accused of a dark deed against his wee daughter, Nikki. The lass, merely two summers old, met her fate in the year of our Lord two-thousand and two, but lo! A storm brews in the courts!

As fate would have it, on the eve of his doom, the judge decreed that Roberson be granted a chance to tell his tale. ’Twas a raucous night, as a committee from the Texas House issued a subpoena, demanding the scoundrel’s presence next week—talk about a last-minute twist fit for a sea shanty!

Ye see, this tale be tangled in the weeds of “junk science,” as the learned folk now declare. Experts and even the chief detective reckon the poor child’s plight was misdiagnosed; her end not from a father’s hand, but from the grips of pneumonia instead! Aye, the tides of truth be ever-changing, and Roberson’s supporters be hoisting the flag of new evidence high! So, stay tuned, ye landlubbers, for the saga be far from over!

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