The Booty Report

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Arrr, Italy be sayin’ no more foreign wee ones! A babe be a treasure, not a trinket!


Arrr, me hearties! In a grand twist o' fate, Italy's Senate be hoistin' the sails o' a new law, makin’ it clear that no landlubber shall seek a surrogate across the seven seas! Aye, 'tis tighter than a ship’s riggin’ since the ancient year of 2004!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the land of Italia! The Senate, a bunch of landlubbers, have tightened the noose 'round surrogacy, makin' it illegal for their citizens to sail to faraway lands like Canada and the States where they can find themselves surrogates. Aye, they passed a bill with a hearty 84 votes to 58, after seven long hours of jaw-flappin’!

This be a continuation of a ban from 2004, put forth by the swashbucklin' right-wing crew led by Premier Giorgia Meloni, who’s made it clear that she sees surrogacy as a wicked practice that swaps gold for God. Blimey! They’re threatenin' fines of up to $1.1 million and two years in the brig for any Italian scallywag caught in this “abominable” act!

Even the Pope himself has thrown in his two doubloons, callin' surrogacy deplorable, and all this hullabaloo has got the LGBTQ crew in a tizzy, claimin' it’s a direct slap to their wants for family. Protest banners read “Parents, not criminals,” and it seems this ol' world be confusin’ rights with desires like a landlocked sailor thinkin' he can swim! So there ye have it—Italy’s law makin' waves and raisin' eyebrows, as citizens ponder whether to stay or set sail! Arrr!

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