The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Liz Claman be tellin' tales of a frightful October 7 at the UN, full o' scallywags and antisemitism!"


Arrr! Me matey and I swaggered into the security lanes, brandishin' our shiny UN VIP passes, with a scallywag intern in tow. But lo! As I sent me treasure bag through the magic box, they halted me! Blimey, what’s a pirate to do? X-ray be no friend of me booty!

Avast, me hearties! Gather ‘round as I regale ye with a tale from the land of Los Angeles in the groovy decade of the 1970s. A fine surgeon from Canada, me father, would bellow like a tempest about the United Nations, callin’ ‘em a pack o’ scallywags. As a wee lad, I thought, “What care have I for them landlubbers?” But lo and behold, fifty years hence, I found meself at the U.N., emceein' a shindig markin’ the grim anniversary of the October 7th Hamas attacks on Israel!

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