The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump be thinkin’ the border be his magic charm! He’s a fool’s gold for thinkin' it'll work again!


Arrr, matey! The landlubbers be frettin’ over gold and grog prices, but our ol’ captain Trump be shoutin’ that the foreign scallywags be the real treasure! He’s hoistin’ his sails on immigration instead of the doubloons, savvy?

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of the landlubbers' woes! Yarr, the good folks be frettin' fer their doubloons, as the cost o' livin' be shootin' up higher than a crow's nest, makin' the economy the top worry on their salty minds!

But lo and behold, here comes Captain Trump, a scallywag with a mighty opinion! He be shoutin' from the crow's nest that immigration be the real beastie to tackle, claimin' it trumps the treasure of the economy! Aye, he’s trimmed his sails and hoisted his flag, settin’ his sights on this here issue as his grand finale, like a last cannon blast before the ship sails into the sunset!

While the landlubbers be pullin’ their hair out over their empty coffers, our swashbucklin’ Trump fella be sailin’ under a different banner! He be swabbin’ the decks with talk of borders and boats, while the rest of the crew be wonderin’ how to keep the ship afloat amid the stormy seas of inflation!

So, me hearties, as the voters ponder their treasure chests, remember: one pirate's gold is another’s anchor! Arrr, what a merry mess we finds ourselves in!

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