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Arrr, Michiganders be sayin’ if Trump be winning, they’ll skedaddle to Canada like scallywags escaping a storm!


Arrr, matey! The landlubbers of Michigan be squawkin' to Politico that if that scallywag Trump be claimin' victory in November, they’d set sail for Canada faster than a cannonball! They’d rather face the icy waters than endure another term o’ that ruffian! Aye, the seas be callin’!

Avast ye hearties! Gather 'round and lend an ear to the tale of fretful folk from the fair land of Michigan, where the winds of election blow fierce and wild. Aye, at a recent shindig for Vice President Kamala Harris, a cadre of voters were spouting notions of high-tailing it to the far-off shores of Canada if that scallywag Trump were to seize the helm once more!

With brows furrowed like a ship's sail in a storm, these weary souls shared their fears of a "Trumpian hellscape." One retired matron, bless her heart, declared she’d rather brave the icy North than endure another four years of chaos. The race, it seems, be tighter than a ship’s hold, with Trump nipping at Harris's heels in the polls, leaving many a Democrat quaking in their boots.

From discussions of relocating to far-flung lands like Spain to marrying a mate for protection, these Michiganders be plotting their escape routes as they ponder what the fates might hold. With only 18 days to go, the joy of campaigning has turned to anxiety, as they pray the tides favor their beloved Kamala. So hoist the sails and keep a weather eye, for the election storm be brewing! Yarrr!

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