The Booty Report

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Twixt the East and West, Moldova be caught in a pickle, matey! What treasure to choose, aye?


Arrr, matey! The Moldovan scallywags be castin’ their votes ‘bout puttin' in their grand ol’ Constitution a promise as firm as the sea, to shun the Russian buccaneers and hoist their sails toward the E.U. treasure! Avast! Aye, they be dreamin' of fairer winds ahead!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the far-off shores of Moldova, where the scallywags be castin' their votes in a grand ol’ election! Aye, these brave landlubbers be decidin' whether to scrawl in their sacred Constitution a promise as firm as a ship’s hull: to sever the tentacles of that old sea dog, Russia, and hoist the sails towards the glitterin' horizon of the E.U.!

Arrr, it be a mighty bold move, indeed! They be speakin' of an “irreversible” commitment, which sounds as permanent as a pirate's tattoo! So, with rum in hand and fervor in their hearts, the fine folk of Moldova be takin' a stand, sayin', “Nay, we shan't be under the thumb of the Russian bear no more!”

With dreams of joinin’ the grand fleet of European nations, they set their eyes on fairer waters. But beware, mates! For such a journey might be fraught with storms and treachery. Will they weather the tempests ahead? Only time will tell! So raise yer tankards high for Moldova, a crew ready to chart a new course! Yo ho ho, may the winds be ever in their favor!

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