The Booty Report

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Arrr! At Homecoming, the Howard crew be a-tremblin' and a-hoopin' fer ol' Harris, like scallywags at a treasure map!


Arrr, the H.B.C.U. be throwin' a grand shindig fer its hundredth year this weekend! All hands be holdin' their breath fer the famed lass, Vice President Kamala Harris, as the election sails into its final stormy seas! Hoist the rum and let the merriment commence!

Ahoy, me hearties! This past weekend, the grand ol’ H.B.C.U. be celebratin’ its hundred years o’ shenanigans and hootin’ and hollerin’. Aye, the air be thick with excitement as the scallywags and wenches gathered, awaitin’ the appearance of none other than the illustrious Vice President Kamala Harris, a treasure amongst the school’s famous alumni!

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