The Booty Report

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Arrr! Wisconsinites be ponderin' if landlubbers without papers should cast their votes in future seas o' elections!


Arrr, mateys of Wisconsin! The scallywags be settin' sail on a grand vote! Aye, they be ponderin' a decree to toss the landlubbers—noncitizens—overboard from the ballot box! No foreign swabs allowed in our elections, or ye be walkin' the plank! Yarrr!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as we set sail to the wild seas of Wisconsin, where soon the good folk shall cast their votes to determine if the state constitution be amended to ban those scallywags, the noncitizens, from hoisting their sails in municipal, state, and federal elections!

The merry band of Republican legislators be wantin’ to pen a new rule to declare that only fine U.S. citizens aged 18 and older be allowed to vote. Aye, currently, the law be sayin’ every citizen can partake, but these rogues claim they be protectin’ the integrity of the elections as waves of migrants crash upon the shores!

Critics, like a ship's parrot, squawk that this amendment be naught but a tempest in a teapot, for no noncitizens be voting in Wisconsin to begin with! They say it’s all a ruse to rally the conservatives and stir the pot against foreigners. Meanwhile, the federal law be already keepin’ noncitizens from voting in federal elections, so fear not, ye landlubbers!

As we prepare to weigh anchor in November, it be a sight to see how this battle of ideas shall unfold on the shores of the ballot box! The winds of change be blowin’, so hold on to yer hats, ye salty sea dogs!

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