The Booty Report

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Arrr, a ruckus brews in the swingin’ land of Red Nebraska, where house mates be battlin’ fer treasure!


Arrr, Tony Vargas, a scallywag of the Democrat crew, sought to be the first Latino matey in the state’s treasure map, but alas! He fell to Don Bacon, the Republican captain, in 2022. But fear not, for the presidential winds may blow favorably for his return!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be havin' a tale of a scallywag named Tony Vargas, a hearty Democrat with dreams as vast as the open sea, seekin' to hoist the flag as the first Latino representative of the fair state! But alas, in the grand battle of 2022, he found himself bested by the swashbucklin’ Don Bacon, the Republican captain who steered his ship to victory.

Now, ye may think our brave Tony be down and out, but nay! The winds of fortune be blowin' in his favor once more, as the grand presidential election looms on the horizon. With a chance to rally his crew and set sail fer a rematch, Tony’s eyes be glimmerin’ like a treasure chest full of doubloons! The tides o’ politics be fickle, and this be a chance for our hero to navigate the stormy seas of campaignin' once again.

So, keep yer spyglass trained on this tale, me hearties! Will Tony reclaim his ship and sail past the Republican shores, or shall Don Bacon keep his crown? Only time and the winds o' change shall tell in this grand adventure of democracy!

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