"Arrr, she be doin' naught! Nevada scallywags be miffed at Biden-Harris' border blunders as the vote be comin'!"
Arrr, matey! It seems Vice President Harris be flounderin’ in the stormy seas of border security, as scallywags trust that ol’ Trump more with immigration matters! Aye, her poll numbers be sinkin’ faster than a cannonball in a tempest!
Arrr, mateys! As the day of reckonin' approaches in November, the landlubbers be a-chatterin' 'bout immigration like it be the treasure of a chest! When asked what Vice President Kamala Harris be up to at the border, the good folks of Nevada be sputterin’ like a ship in a storm, sayin', "Ain't done nothin'!" By thunder, Melissa pointed out that now she wants to hoist Trump’s ideas and build a wall, after callin' it "un-American" in the past. Aye, what a turncoat!Carlos, bless his heart, be unsure if Harris be doin' a good job or just sittin’ in the captain's quarters, lettin' Biden steer the ship. Meanwhile, the seas of illegal immigration be swelling like a storm, with numbers risin' from the days of Trump to Biden’s tenure. Joao, a true buccaneer at heart, be shoutin' for the borders to be closed tight, while Nick laments that the seas be infested with scallywags, includin' those with criminal pasts roam'n free.
Melissa, her heart poundin’ like cannon fire, be feelin’ less secure in her own port of Nevada, longin' for the days of Trump’s rule when the seas felt calm. Arrr, what a ruckus on the high seas of politics! Har har har!