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Arrr, them scallywag ex-GOP mates be beggin' Gar-lad to hunt down that Musk fella like a treasure map!


Arrr! A band o’ scallywags from the GOP be insistin’ that ol’ Merrick Garland set sail on an inquiry ‘bout Elon Musk, the tech buccaneer! He be handin’ out treasure to landlubbers in swing states for signins’ on his petition. Aye, they claim it be foul play in the election seas!

Ahoy, me hearties! It seems that a band o’ former Republican scallywags, along with some lawmen o’ the Justice Department, be makin’ a ruckus ‘bout the antics o’ that tech buccaneer, Elon Musk! Aye, they be callin’ upon the mighty Attorney General Merrick Garland to hoist the sails o' investigation, claimin' that Musk be temptin’ voters in swingin’ states with shiny doubloons fer signins’ his political parchment.

This here letter, plundered from the depths o’ The Washington Post, be arguin’ that the glimmerin’ prizes set forth by Musk, who be a fierce supporter o’ the swashbucklin’ Donald Trump, be breakin’ the federal codes o’ fair votin’! Imagine the mischief, savvy? Offerin’ treasure to the good folk fer their signatures be a slippery path to take, reckonin’ it could lead to all sorts o’ trouble on the high seas o’ democracy!

So, gather ‘round, me mateys! Will Musk find himself walkin’ the plank into the murky waters o’ justice, or will he sail away, treasure in hand? Only the tides o’ fate and the whims o’ the Attorney General shall tell!

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