The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! Here be the top ten haunts for Halloween revelry in the colonies, ranked for yer ghostly delight!


Arrr, me hearties! A fresh scroll be spillin’ the beans on the finest Halloween ports in the U.S.! The savvy landlubbers at WalletHub be comparin’ 100 towns fer the most frightful festivities. Get ready to swab the decks and don yer best ghostly garb! Yarr! 🎃🏴‍☠️

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the tale of the finest ports to celebrate the ghostly season of Halloween! WalletHub, the crafty scallywags, have charted a course through the 100 most populous cities of the U.S. and discovered that New York City be the treasure trove of trick-or-treatin' delights!

These jolly analysts be comparin' cities based on trick-or-treater friendliness, Halloween fun aplenty, and weather fit for a spooky soiree. They sifted through a sea of data, includin' candy shops, haunted houses, and the number of pumpkin patches—aye, a vital factor for any good pirate!

New York City boasts the second most costume shops and the most candy stores per capita, makin' it a veritable goldmine for sweet loot! Close on her heels be Jersey City and Miami, with walkability and spooky shenanigans galore. Jersey City's got the ninth-lowest crime rate, while Miami's bursting with pumpkin patches and bars to wet yer whistle.

So, hoist the sails and set forth to these merry haunts this Halloween, for they be the best havens for celebratin' the frightful festivities! Arrr, let the good times roll and the ghosts dance upon the waves!

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