"Arrr, matey! Nearly 30 scallywags be lost in North Carolina after Hurricane Helene’s tempestuous tantrum!"
Arrr, me hearties! The tally's dropped from a wild guess of 92 scallywags lost to the tempest that lashed the western shores of North Carolina in September! Seems the sea be givin’ back a few wayward souls, or maybe they just found a fine rum pub!
Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, for I bring ye tidings from the stormy shores of western Carolina! A scallywag of a tempest swept through, leavin’ chaos in its wake and causin’ quite the ruckus among the good folk. A week past, the number of landlubbers missin’ was a mighty 92, like a ship lost at sea without a captain.But fear not, me hearties! The winds of fortune have shifted, and now the count be down to a more manageable number. The storm, it seems, was less of a great white whale and more of a pesky sea gull, givin’ folks a scare but not takin’ as many as we first thought. Aye, the good folk of Carolina have rallied together, searchin’ high and low, like pirates on a treasure hunt, to find their shipmates who’ve gone astray.
So raise yer tankards and give a hearty cheer, for though the sea be unforgiving, hope yet sails on the horizon! With each soul returned, the crew grows stronger. Let this be a lesson, me mateys: when the storm clouds gather, keep yer wits about ye, and may the winds of good fortune blow fair upon ye! Yarrr!