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Arrr, Biden be wishin’ to throw Trump in the political brig at a New Hampshire shindig! What a jolly jest!


Arrr, on the second day of the week, Captain Biden be suggestin' that ol' Captain Trump be tossed in the brig fer bein' a scallywag threat to our fair democracy! Aye, sounds like a right merry sea shanty of political squabblin'! Avast, let the rum flow!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale from the high seas of politics! On a fine Tuesday in Concord, our Captain, President Biden, took to the stage, callin’ for a politically lockin’ up of his former rival, the notorious Captain Trump. Aye, he likened it to the ruckus back in 2016 when Trump shouted for the imprisonment of Lady Clinton!

Biden, while parleyin’ 'bout health care and the high cost of potions and pills, warned that Captain Trump seeks to eliminate all who dare stand in his way—even suggestin’ he might resort to the most dastardly deeds if he feels threatened! “Blimey,” Biden exclaimed, “we need to lock him up—politically, of course!”

Ye see, the Democrats, led by Vice Captain Kamala Harris, be soundin’ alarms 'bout Trump’s threat to democracy, while his loyal crew blames such talk for attempts on his life. The echoes of “Lock her up!” from Trump’s rallies still linger like the scent of sea salt in the air.

With words as sharp as a cutlass, Biden warned of a new breed among the ranks—the MAGA crew, who be ridin’ the winds of anti-democratic tides. So, hoist the sails and prepare for a wild political voyage ahead, me hearties! Arrr!

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