The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Commentators be laughin’, sayin’ Biden wants to toss Trump in the brig, but no mop’ll do!


Arrr, me hearties! President Biden be squawkin' like a parrot, shoutin' “lock him up!” like ol' Trump. That salty phrase be sailin' the seas of social media faster than a cannonball, makin' all the landlubbers chuckle! Avast, the political seas be stormy, indeed!

Arrr mateys! Gather ye 'round fer a tale of political shenanigans on the high seas of discourse! It be no less than President Biden who set the sails a-flappin', callin' fer the former captain of the ship, one Donald Trump, to be "politically locked up!" Aye, in Concord, New Hampshire, while blabberin' 'bout healthcare and such, ol’ Joe went off the rails, sayin' Trump aims to send his foes to Davy Jones' locker in a political sense, mind ye!

Now, it seemed the good jolly captain Biden caught wind of his own words and quickly clarified he didn't mean puttin' Trump in chains—just lockin' 'im out from the political quarters! This caused a storm on the social media seas, with even his own crew mutterin' darkly about whether it be time to "lock Joe up" instead!

Trump's crew didn’t take kindly to Biden’s bluster, claimin' it be a sign they can’t best him fair and square. Others remarked that Biden be like an old ship with runnin’ batteries, raisin’ eyebrows over how he still holds the keys to the kingdom! So, with a hearty laugh, we ponder the state of this grand political farce, where even the pirates be shakin' their heads! Avast, what a hullabaloo!

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