The Booty Report

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In a raucous presidential scuffle, Omaha be swimmin' in the riches of political glory, arrr!


Ahoy! In the land o' Nebraska, where the winds be steady and the sails be conservative, they be splitin' their Electoral College booty! A wee blue speck ‘tis makin’ waves for Vice President Kamala Harris’s quest fer treasure! Aye, every little dot counts on this stormy sea o' politics!

Ahoy mateys! Gather ye round, fer I be tellin' ye a tale of the landlubber state called Nebraska, where the winds o' politics blow a tad different than the rest o' the fleet. This here state be known fer bein’ as conservative as a parrot on a treasure chest, but it holds a curious quirk in its electoral sails.

Nebraska, ye see, be one o' but two states that splits its Electoral College booty! Aye, while most join the merry crew in a grand ol’ fashion uniformity, Nebraska be sportin' a wee “blue dot” amidst a sea of red. That be meanin’ that even the mightiest of campaigns, like that o’ Vice President Kamala Harris, might find a nugget of gold in this patch o' land!

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