Arrr! Aye, ‘RBG PAC’ be tossin’ a chest o’ gold—$19 million from ghostly donors—to aid the cap’n Trump on baby makin’!
Arrr, matey! A fresh crew o' Republican scallywags be tossin' around Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s name like a wench's garter, hopin' to swindle the favor of landlubbers who fancy their choice in babies! Aye, it be a right jolly jest to aid Captain Trump’s quest for the treasure of votes!
Ahoy, matey! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a curious venture on the perilous seas of politics! A band o' hearty Republicans, with gold doubloons aplenty, be set to launch a new super PAC, savvy? They be usin' the esteemed name of the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a fierce defender of the fairer sex, to win the hearts of those who be favorin' the sacred right to choose!Aye, ye heard me right! This band o' scallywags be thinkin' that by callin' upon the spirit of RBG, they might sway the minds of voters who’d otherwise be shoutin' “Walk the plank!” at ol' Captain Trumpy. With a wink and a nod, they be hopin' to nab the favor of those who hold dear the rights of women like a treasure chest full of gold!
Now, ain’t that a twist o' fate? A crew tryin' to rally support by summonin' the ghost of a beloved champion for justice. It’s like askin' Davy Jones for a map to the fountain of youth! So hoist the sails and prepare for a wild ride, for this be a campaign that’s sure to raise more than a few eyebrows on the high seas of electioneering! Arrr!