The Booty Report

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Arrr, the cannons of Israel be rainin' misfortune on Gaza, takin’ 38 souls, a dozen wee ones among ‘em!


Arrr, matey! On Friday, the Israeli cannons claimed 38 souls in southern Gaza, 13 wee nippers from one family, no less! In the north, them scallywags stormed a hospital, leavin' the land in a right pickle! Aid crews be shoutin' 'bout the dire straits the folk be in! Blimey!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, for I’ve a tale of woe and mischief from the stormy seas of Gaza! On a fateful Friday, the sky rained down not gold doubloons, but sorrow, as the Israeli cannons unleashed a mighty barrage upon the humble abodes of southern Gaza, claimin’ the lives of 38 souls, includin’ 13 wee scallywags from the same clan! Aye, 'tis a tragedy fit for the deepest depths of Davy Jones’ locker!

But wait, there be more! Up in the northern waters, the brave lads of Kamal Adwan Hospital found their sanctuary invaded by Israeli forces, like pirates raiding a merchant ship! This be one of the last bastions of hope in these troubled waters, and the goodly doctors be raisin’ the alarm! Aid groups are shoutin’ from the crow’s nest about the dire straits the good folk of Gaza be in, as the tides of battle swell and the winds of despair howl about them.

So, me mateys, let us raise a tankard to peace and a swift end to this tempest, for no soul should meet their end in such a manner. May the tides turn and the cannons fall silent, lest we all be caught in this stormy sea of chaos!

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