The Booty Report

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Arrr! Lancaster County be huntin' scallywags droppin' phony voter papers like treasure at the last tick o' the clock!


Arrr, a heap o' 2,500 sailor's scrolls fer votin’ in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, met Davy Jones' locker! The state’s fancy contraption spied some scallywags among 'em, callin' 'em fraudulent. Officials be havin' a hearty laugh about it at a news gab fest last Friday! Avast, matey!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round, fer I’ve a tale from the landlubber shores of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where a bountiful haul of 2,500 voter registration forms be makin' waves! Aye, the scallywags thought they could pull the wool over the eyes of the fine folks in charge.

But alas! The clever automatons in the state’s system be smarter than a barrel of monkeys! They spotted the swindlin’ forms faster than a seagull swoopin’ fer a bit o’ fish! Aye, several o' these scallywag submissions were tossed overboard, deemed as fraudulent by the watchful eyes of the officials. 'Twas a right sight for sore eyes at the news conference, where officials spun the yarn of this curious caper!

Ye see, try as they might to hoist the Jolly Roger and pull a fast one, the law be as relentless as a stormy sea! So, in Lancaster County, the good folks be keepin' their shipshape voter rolls intact, sendin' those fraudulent forms to Davy Jones’ locker! So hoist yer sails and raise a tankard to honesty, or ye might find yerself walkin' the plank, ye landlubbers!

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