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Arrr! Trump set sail on Rogan’s podcast fer three long hours—here be the juiciest tales from the high seas!


Arrr, matey! That scallywag Trump regaled us on Rogan's sea of chatter 'bout abandonin' Afghanistan, ponderin' if Martians be sippin' rum, and parleyin' with that crafty Kim Jong Un! Aye, a right merry tale for the high seas of politics!

Aye, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the tale of a certain former commander-in-chief, Donald Trump, who found himself aboard "The Joe Rogan Experience" podcast ship for nigh on three hours, spillin' his tales to a crew of 14.5 million Spotify scalawags and 17.6 million YouTube buccaneers! Arrr, this Rogan lad be a savvy navigator o' the young lads' votes, and Trump be hopin' to win 'em over.

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