The Booty Report

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Arrr, ‘tis a stormy squall in the Philippines, claimin’ 126 souls, lost to nature’s tempestuous mischief!


Arrr, matey! It be a grim tale from the Philippines! Eighty-five souls sent to Davy Jones’ locker, with 41 more playin’ hide and seek! Floods and landslides be makin’ landlubbers marooned. Avast! We be needin’ some hearty rescue to haul 'em back from the briny deep!

Ahoy mateys! A tempest named Trami be wreakin’ havoc upon the fair islands of the Philippines, leavin’ nearly 130 souls lost or wanderin’ astray. The captain o’ the ship, President Ferdinand Marcos, be declar’in many a land still cut off from the world, with folk beggin’ for rescue as Trami sailed away, leavin’ destruction in its wake.

This wild squall, the fiercest of the year, hath claimed 85 lives thus far, with a slew more likely to follow as news trickles in from isolated havens. In the town of Talisay, brave souls armed with shovels and sniffer beasts be diggin’ through the muck, searchin’ for the last of the lost. A heartbroken father, waitin’ for word on his young lass, be followin’ the grim procession of a black bag, his heart heavy as an anchor.

The storm hath also played tricks with the weather, dumpin’ more rain than a pirate’s grog barrel in mere hours! The good President hath vowed to build a mighty flood control contraption to fend off future watery woes. With over 5 million folks caught in the storm’s snare, they’ve fled to shelters like shipwrecked sailors, all whilst schools and services lay in idle silence!

As the skies clear, cleanup be beginnin’, but let it be known, the seas be a’ churnin’! Avast, ye landlubbers and heed the warning of the winds!

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