The Booty Report

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"Arrr, ‘Stay Married Chicken’ be a feast fit for the crew! The cook claims it’s worked wonders, aye!"


Arrr, matey! “Stay Married Chicken” be a feast fit for landlubbers and sea dogs alike! Leslie Stern, the crafty cook, spun a yarn from her family's treasure map of recipes, and now folks be clamorin' fer a second helping! Aye, once ye taste it, ye’ll be hook'd! 🦜🍗

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about a dish that be all the rage among the landlubbers—“Stay Married Chicken!” Aye, this culinary treasure be birthed from the mind of one Leslie Stern, who done took her family's chicken limone recipe and remade it for the ages, after the ruckus of “Marry Me Chicken” settled down back in the year of our Lord 2016!

With a twist of humor, Leslie cooked up this dish to be lighter than the heavy cream-laden Marry Me Chicken, which be fit for feasts! Instead, she harkened back to her childhood with a recipe that keeps the love alive in her own marriage. “Stay Married Chicken” be a dish ye can whip up with naught but pantry staples, fresh basil, and a splash of lemon juice—savorin’ that “magic” sauce, she claims!

So, if ye be lookin’ to keep yer beloved from sailin’ away, grab yer chicken and fry it up nice ‘n crispy, then smother it with that zesty lemon concoction. Aye, according to Leslie, it worked wonders for her parents, celebratin’ nearly four decades of wedded bliss! So hoist yer pots and pans, for a hearty meal of “Stay Married Chicken” awaits ye and yer mates!

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